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Frequently asked questions and Terms and Conditions of Culverhayes Properties.

Arrival and departure
The accommodation will be ready from 4.00pm on the start day of your holiday. 10am is the time for vacating the property on the last day. 

​Deposits & Payment

Upon the receipt of a non refundable 25% deposit written confirmation will be forwarded. The balance of the payment is due 8 weeks prior to the holiday. We will refund in full all monies paid should we need to cancel the booking. The responsibility and financial liability of Culverhayes

Properties shall be limited to the return of monies received, only in the event of accommodation booked in good faith not being available owing to circumstances beyond our control. You must notify us immediately should the need to cancel occur.

The booking deposit in any circumstances is non-refundable but should the cancellation fall within 8 weeks of the booked holiday you will be bound by this agreement to pay the full amount for that booking. It is therefore recommended you take out holiday cancellation insurance to cover that possibility.


Pets are accepted by Culverhayes Properties. However it is conditional that under no circumstances are they to be allowed in the bedrooms, to sit or lie on chairs, settees or soft furnishing. Nor are they to be left in the property unattended at any time. They are allowed into the gardens on the condition that they are not allowed to foul in these areas and otherwise on the property. The owners will clean up any mess caused.


The properties will be let to a high level of cleanliness. A complete inventory is supplied which should be checked upon arrival and any discrepancies notified to us within 24 hours.

The properties are let to no more than the maximum number stated in the website unless agreed in writing by the owners. We reserve the right to refuse entry if this condition is not observed. We request that you take good and reasonable care of the properties furniture, fixtures and fittings and that the accommodation is left in a similar clean and tidy condition as it was found. Otherwise a charge of £50 will be levied should any part of the property be left in an unacceptable standard.


The value of any furniture, fixtures and fittings damaged or destroyed beyond repair shall be paid in full to the owners. Any problems with any appliance, fixture or fitting must be reported to us. Do not, under any circumstances attempt to repair the problem as service agreements or warranties etc will be invalidated. We will ensure alternative arrangements will be made if the problem cannot be fixed or repaired within a reasonable time frame.


The use of the properties at Culverhayes is entirely at the users risk and no liability can be accepted for the loss of any valuables or property left in or around the property. Guests, their friends and families must ensure that they take all reasonable steps to ensure their own safety whilst on the property as no liability be accepted for any injury or loss caused.

The properties of Culverhayes are used as holiday accommodation and therefore exempt from security of tenure under the Rent Act.

Please contact us with any enquiries you may have:

Tel: +44 (01837) 89150

Fax 01837 82431

© 2021 Culverhayes Properties

​+44 (01837) 89150

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